Know the herbs
Scientific name
Moringa oleiferaFamily
MoringaceaeLocal name
Merunggai, lemunggai, pokok kelor, drumstick tree, ben oil treeDescription
Moringa oleifera is a small deciduous tree, fast-growing and can grow up to 10 or 12 m in height. The canopy of leaves is umbrella shaped with fragile branches. It has bipinnate or more commonly tripinnate leaves. The flowers are yellowish and fragrant, in spreading or drooping axillary clusters with 10–25 cm long. The fruits are elongated, pendulous and linear (Medicinal Herbs & Plant Database 2010–2015).Usage
Almost every part of M. oleifera, including the root, bark, gum, leaf, fruit (pods), flowers and seeds, has been used for various ailments in indigenous medicine (Odebiyi & Sofowora 1999). The leaves can be eaten to treat gonorrhea (Burkill 1935).Malaysia Herbal Monograph (source: Globinmed)