Know the herbs
Scientific name
Melastoma malabathricumFamily
MelastomaceaeLocal name
Senduduk putih, keduduk putih, white Singapore rhododendron, senduduk gunungDescription
Melastoma malabathricum is a medium-sized shrub that grows up to 6m high (Zakaria 1994). The stem bears simple, opposite, reddish and exstipulate leaves. The leaves are elliptical to lanceolate, base rounded to acute, above and beneath strigose to pilose. This plant has white flowers with a pinkish lilac colour and occasionally three flowers in a cyme. The fruit is a capsule, fleshy, exposing the soft dark blue pulp with orange seeds (Medicinal Herbs & Plants Database 2010-2015).Usage
Senduduk putih is said to have high medicinal value and has been used by the Malay population for the treatment of wounds, post-natal care and prevention of scars from small pox infection (Sulaiman et al. 2004). It is also used as a face wash (Fasihuddin & Ghazally 2003). Other than that, decoction of the senduduk leaves and shoot-ends is used for diarrhea and decoction of a mixture of leaves and roots is used for women after childbirth (Burkill 1935).Malaysia Herbal Monograph (source: Globinmed)