About us


In 2014, FRIM received an allocation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA) to carry out a value chain study for selected herbal industries in Peninsular Malaysia. One of the outputs of the study was the SRI Herba System, a database of players in the herbal industry. The system was developed based on surveys involving 6545 herbal industry players comprising 96 suppliers, 462 cultivators, 550 manufacturers, 445 wholesalers and 5467 retailers.

The herbal industry chain system (HerbaXpress) was developed by FRIM to provide a platform for linking all stakeholders within the herbal industry. Initially, the system provided information to link demand and supply of raw materials among industry players. In addition, the system also displayed directories of the plant materials, cultivators, entrepreneurs, wholesalers and retailers as well as the latest statistics on herbal industry. To strengthen the system, functions and features of the system are enhanced from time to time. Now, the system has been rebranded and it is not just about changing the name and logo but also involves significant additions and improvement of functions. Furthermore, besides the informative interface, the system also offer user links to online markets. FRIM realises that continual improvements are imperative for the system to remain competitive in this world/era of digital revolution.

Services offered

• Acquire/purchase nearby herbal products immediately.
• Information on the general landscape of the herbal industry in Peninsular Malaysia.
• Expand borderless product marketing network.
• Obtain reliable and trusted suppliers.
• Free product advertising opportunities.
• Information for manufacturers who have OEM facility for product manufacturing.
• Opportunities to venture into the herbal industry.
• Sampling reference to conduct studies related to the herbal industry.
• Beneficial for the researchers conducting studies related to herbal industry.

Targeted users

• Herbal industry players
• Herbal products users
• Researchers
• Policy makers
• Lecturers
• Students
• Public